Contact Information
Thank you for your interest in science fiction author G. S. Jennsen and the Aurora Rhapsody series. Below you can find links to the following items:
All books by G. S. Jennsen
Press sheets for all the Aurora Rhapsody novels
Book cover images in high resolution:
Accessory images related to Aurora Rhapsody
Excerpts from Starshine, Vertigo, Transcendence, Sidespace, Dissonance, Abysm, Relativity and Rubicon
Technical details for all books, including where they can be purchased
Representative reviews for all books
Author bio, business card, as well as contact info and social media links
Or, you may download the entire kit in a zip file: G. S. JENNSEN MEDIA KIT
20 Top Female Science Fiction Authors: Space & Cyberpunk (itcher Magazine)
The 23 Best Science Fiction Books by Female Authors (The Best Sci Fi Books)
Reddit AMA (Oct 2014)
Talking Shop with G. S. Jennsen [AuthorRise] (Nov 2014)
itcher Podcast Interview [itcher Magazine] (April 2015)
An Interview with G. S. Jennsen [J. S. Bailey Writes] (April 2016)
Women of Science Fiction - Interview with G. S. Jennsen [P.K. Tyler] (June 2016)
Author Interview Series: G. S. Jennsen [Women of Badassery] (August 2016)
Guest Posts:
Flashforward Friday: Foundation and Flashback Friday: Unknowable Innovations [Raven Oak] (Mar 2015)
Controlling Your Own Fate [Read Write Muse] (July 2015)
Getting Your Money's Worth: Self-Publishing on a Budget [E-Books Done Right] (Aug 2015)
Creating Exciting Future Space Technology While Not Failing Science 101 [Tommy Muncie] (May 2016)