RELATIVITY Audiobook Now Available
The RELATIVITY audiobook is here! Grab it on Amazon, Audible and iTunes. Haven't been listening, but are interested in starting now? Send me an email - the first five people to respond will get a code to download the audiobook of their choice from Audible for free.
Pyper Down has been a fantastic narrator from the start, but she has truly outdone herself this time. Six new POV voices and 18 new speakers - 12 of them from 6 new alien species - and she handled them all flawlessly.
Eren, Felzeor and the rest of the new cast are brought to life with wonderful uniqueness and personality, and I couldn't be happier (you can probably tell). So give it a listen :).
More news:
Amazon recently launched Prime Reading, a curated selection of quality books that Prime members can download and read for free (learn more about the program here). I'm honored to announce that STARSHINE is one of 44 science fiction novels currently selected for the program. Until the end of March, Amazon Prime members can read Starshine for FREE.
With more than 60 million households in Prime, odds are many of your friends and family are Prime members - so let them know! Simply go to Starshine's Amazon ebook page, and if you're a Prime member you'll see a "Read for Free" button in the purchase box.
The first draft of RUBICON is complete. Only two more drafts and five rounds of editing to go ;). You can read a little more about it in my recent Facebook post. Keep track of Rubicon's progress with the word count and (soon) editing meter in the right-hand column of the website homepage, under “Works in Progress.”
I hope you enjoy the audiobook, and as always, thank you so much for being here.