G. S. Jennsen

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Red Rock Canyon

Okay, one more hike. This one (Red Rock Canyon) was a little different, scenery-wise: less forested mountains, more central Colorado's vaunted red rocks and expansive vistas.

The picture of me sitting on the ledge comes with a story. When we we came upon the outcropping, I immediately scrambled up it and plopped down. Then I declared, "This is exactly like in DISSONANCE when Alex and Caleb visited Seneca's doppleganger planet in the Mosaic. They went up into the mountains, then found a ledge, sat on the edge of it to contemplate the view, and said philosophical things."

#MrJennsen: "And what philosophical things do you have to say?"

Me: "That I wrote a scene where my characters sat on a ledge in the mountains and said philosophical things."

Originally posted on Facebook and Instagram.

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