Reddit AMA & Audiobook News

Has it really been a month since Vertigo launched? Wow. Thank you all so much for helping to make it a success! On that note:

  • Vertigo is having a Countdown Sale on Amazon right now, and is available for the practically-free $0.99 for the next 2 days. After that the price goes up every 2 days for the next week, so grab it (or tell your friends to grab it) now.

  • I am excited to announce I've been asked to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit next Tuesday, October 28th: Upcoming AMA: Sci-Fi Author G. S. Jennsen

    • If you're not familiar with AMAs, Reddit users post questions on any topic they like, and unless they are blatantly offensive I'm morally obligated to answer them. If you're not familiar with Reddit, it's the internet's forum of forums, with communities for every topic imaginable (over 8,000) and over 170 million visitors last month alone (I'm not expecting that many to visit my AMA).

If you're a Reddit user, I invite you to come by next Tuesday to /r/suggestmeabook and pick my brain (and keep me company). If you're not, feel free to post a question in the comments to this post, and I'll try to get it included. Also, you don't have to be a Reddit user to eavesdrop.

  • Recording on the Vertigo audiobook is set to start next week :). Apologies for the delay, but it will be worth it, as the wonderful Pyper Down returns to bring us Book Two. With it a little luck it will be available in time for Christmas, and we'll have something to listen to during stressful holiday travel.

  • Starshine is once again available on iTunes, B&N, Smashwords, Kobo and all those other non-Amazon sites - you'll find all the links here. This is an experiment of sorts on a couple of different levels, so I cannot guarantee how long it will remain in the non-Amazon ecosystem. If you're an iBooks or Nook devotee, here's your chance.

In the months since publishing Starshine, I've been privileged to meet and get to know a number of talented authors who also happen to be terrific people. As the smallest 'thank you' for all their advice and camaraderie, I want to let you know when these authors release new books. I hope you will give them a look, as I doubt you will ever be disappointed.

Today I want to call out two brand new fantasy novels (sci-fi and fantasy readers co-exist in harmony, right?). And since they are fantasy novels, they both involve dragons (sci-fi novels never have dragons...).

The first is a bundle of all three novels in Daniel Arenson's epic fantasy trilogy, Dawn of Dragons. The trilogy is full of mystical kingdoms and fantastical creatures, cataclysmic war, tragedy, triumph, and all the things one expects from the finest tradition of epic fantasy.


The second is the sequel to the debut novel Miss Mabel's School for Girls by Katie Cross, Antebellum Awakening. AA is a moving story of a young woman's struggle to overcome loss while confronting evil and discovering her true inner and outer strength in order to triumph over that evil. Also, dragons and magic swords ;).