Sidespace Release Date, Excerpts and More

SIDESPACE (Aurora Renegades Book One) will be released and in your hands on NOVEMBER 9, 2015. Otherwise known as one month from today.

  • As that date draws closer I'll have various fun promotions and the like to announce, including a Goodreads paperback giveaway, a string of teaser quotes, a "behind the scenes" blog post, sales on the Aurora Rising books and a Sidespace-themed makeover of the website and social media pages. To kick things off today, I'm excited to share the back-cover blurb for Sidespace (click the image to enlarge):



  • And while I'm at it, have the first teaser quote (click the image to enlarge):



More quotes will be revealed on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr) and on the website here with increasing frequency leading up to Nov. 9, so feel free to check in often.


Starshine (you remember it, right?) had a very good September - and since you all are on this ride together with me, I thought you might like to hear about it....

  • First off, tremendous thanks to S. E. Lehenbauer at Novel Commentary for her drop-dead fabulous review of Starshine. It's as if she knew tossing in all the Firefly references (including calling Alex a "damn shiny pilot") would have me shedding tears of joy even without saying it "might be the perfect set-in-space science fiction book."

Now for a completely self-interested but nonetheless truthful plug: check out all the reviews on Novel Commentary. They are working hard to shine a light on deserving indie-published works, particularly SFF books, that are overlooked by the legacy publishing press.

  • If you are friends with me on Twitter or Facebook then you already know this (because I kind of shouted it from the rooftops with notable glee), but as a result of a promotion in Canada and the UK last month, on Sept. 19, Starshine reached #6 in the entire Amazon Canada Kindle Store and #1 in Science Fiction and Fantasy there (ahead of, ahem, The Martian, an amazing book and film you should both read and see). On Sept. 20, it also reached #85 in the Amazon UK Kindle Store and #2 in Science Fiction in the UK. Needless to say, that was a GOOD weekend around this house.

So a new batch of readers are now making their way through the Aurora Rising books, and hopefully finding their way here, just in time for a new adventure to begin with Sidespace. If some of you are already here, thank you and welcome :). If you're interested in learning more about what's coming, the answers are in this blog post: A Confession, A Reveal, and A Promise.
