Galaxy Chronicles / Crime & Punishment Now Available

Happy Monday-After-Thanksgiving to my American readers! (I know, it's a bummer.) To everyone, welcome to December and the plethora of holidays it brings.

Allow me to say (with some authority) that what your holidays need is more space opera, speculative fiction and, above all, more books.

  • The Galaxy Chronicles is now available in ebook on Amazon. Paperbacks will follow in the next few weeks. Along with 11 other epic stories from some of today's best sci-fi authors, The Galaxy Chronicles includes my short story, Apogee. It tells the story of the opening hours of the 1st Crux War between the Earth Alliance and the Senecan Federation, as lived by the Senecans who started it. If you've had a chance to read Sidespace, there are several cryptic references to these events; read Apogee and discover the truth.

  • The Crime & Punishment speculative fiction anthology will be released next Monday, December 7th. I'll update this post and send out a quick email with links when it's available for purchase. Along with some deeply compelling stories that explore the timeless nature of the criminal mind and the consequences of crimes committed, it includes another short story from me, Solatium. Think you know how Caleb and Mia met? Solatium reveals the story behind the story.

    • UPDATE: Crime & Punishment is now available in ebook format on Amazon. Get it today at a special release price of $0.99.

  • In the spirit of the holidays, I have a blog post today featuring some of the wonderful indie authors I've had the pleasure of getting to know over the last two years. Find your next read in The Revolution.

  • If you peek over at the sidebar, you'll see Dissonance already has over 20K words. Crazy, considering Sidespace has been out for all of 3 weeks. The story is pouring out faster than my fingers can type, which makes me happy. That being said, we're taking a vacation trip to Vancouver next week, so don't fret if the word count stalls for a few days. Look for pictures of one of the loveliest cities in the world on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

Thanks to a Thanksgiving promotion and a boost from industry juggernaut BookBub, last week Starshine saw a resurgence to and beyond its former chart heights. To all the new readers of Aurora Rising who are just arriving: welcome, and I'm quite glad you're here :).
