
Cross-Country Journeys, Chicken Scratch & Bossy Characters

Cross-Country Journeys, Chicken Scratch & Bossy Characters

The other day I was cleaning out my notebook collection (which is shockingly extensive, considering I use a PC/tablet/phone for nearly everything). In checking the contents of each notebook before sorting it into the “keep” or “toss” pile, I was surprised to discover pages and pages of handwritten notes in one innocuous looking little notebook. It took me a moment to realize that this was the notebook I took on our cross-country drive from Colorado to Georgia in 2014 for Thanksgiving.*

The drive where Aurora Renegades and Aurora Resonant came to life.

November 2014 places this drive two months after Vertigo was released, which means I was heavy into writing Transcendence. I’d had the broad brush-strokes of the full 9-book saga in place from the very beginning (yes, including the ending!), but up until this point I’d forced myself to focus on Aurora Rising—because if Rising wasn’t a success, there would likely be no 2nd and 3rd trilogies. But by November, Starshine had taken off and Vertigo was doing very well; I was collecting an enthusiastic fan base, and I had started to accept the notion that this writing gig was something I could do. As in, forever.

So it was time to get serious about the rest of the story.

Aurora Resonant: The Complete Collection Is Now Available

Aurora Resonant: The Complete Collection Is Now Available

AURORA RESONANT: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION is now available on Amazon worldwide at a special release price of $0.99 for 4 days only. The Collection bundles together the three novels in the Aurora Resonant trilogy (Relativity, Rubicon, Requiem) as well as the Re/Genesis short story in one ebook with a stunning new cover.

The Collection also includes an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from the upcoming novel EXIN EX MACHINA (Asterion Noir Book 1). So even if you've already read the Aurora Resonant novels, here's your reason to pick up the Collection: to read how the epic new space opera/cyberpunk trilogy begins, before it begins. Did I mention it's only $0.99 for the next 4 days? Get it today.

SCI-FI BRIDGE is running an awesome audiobook/ebook giveaway this week. Sign up for a chance to win a Free Audible Credit to use on your choice of these incredible Sci-Fi books! All who enter will receive 2 E-books FREE. Enter here:  9 Winners will receive a Free Audible Credit, and 1 Grand Prize Winner will receive an Audible Credit and a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

All the AURORA RISING novels - Starshine, Vertigo, Transcendence and Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection - are now available at all major ebook retailers (Amazon, Nook, iTunes, Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, etc.). Starshine continues to be free at all retailers. If you've got friends who love their non-Kindle ereaders, share the links with them. Much appreciated!

So how is Exin Ex Machina coming along? To the tune of 85K words, that's how :). I'm not ready to announce a release date yet, but the excitement level around here is high, that's for certain.

Requiem Audiobook Is Now Available

Requiem Audiobook Is Now Available

The REQUIEM audiobook is now available on Amazon, and Audible. It should be available on iTunes very soon [EDIT]: here's the iTunes link. I know it's been an excrutiating wait for audiobook listeners, and I thank you profusely for your patience. The wait is over, so go listen to the Aurora Rhapsody finale! (Unless you are a contest winner and chose Requiem as one of your free books - in that case, check your email for your free code first.)

When I released the Requiem ebook and paperback, I said that I had never been more proud of a book than I was of this one. That's even more true today, with Pyper Down bringing this conclusion to life in so many beautiful, touching ways. I'm incredibly grateful for her talent and her hard work - which is why I'm thrilled to announce that she has agreed to narrate the audiobooks for Asterion Noir as well! I can't wait to hear what she does with these exciting new voices and new worlds.

New to audiobooks? You can find all the Aurora Rhapsody novels on Amazon, Audible and iTunes, and feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.

REQUIEM Is Live & Aurora Rhapsody On Sale

REQUIEM Is Live & Aurora Rhapsody On Sale

Here we go. Four years and three trilogies, all leading up to this. REQUIEM: Aurora Resonant Book Three, the finale of Aurora Rhapsody, is now available in ebook and paperback on Amazon worldwide. The ebook is available at a special release price of $0.99 for today only, so grab it before it moves to its regular price.

* I've never been more proud of a book than I am of this one. These characters long ago became a part of me, and I'm very happy to have brought them through portals and universes to this moment. If you haven't read the blog post from last week, give it a look: Aurora Rhapsody In Numbers & Pictures.

* Reviews are the greatest gift you can give, but posts on Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites, your own blogs, and forums are also most welcome. If Requiem moves you, tell others about it.

* To celebrate the Requiem release, I've got a big sale for everyone. Both trilogy compilations, Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection and Aurora Renegades: The Complete Collection, are on sale this week for $2.99, and Relativity and Rubicon are on sale for $0.99.

* If you know someone who wants to get started on the series, this is a great opportunity for them to dive in. Get links to the sale pages here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holidays filled with family, friends and books. 2018 is sure to be an exciting year, and I'll see you on the other side.

Short Stories New & Old, an Aurora Rhapsody Retrospective & Custom-Label Wine

Short Stories New & Old, an Aurora Rhapsody Retrospective & Custom-Label Wine

SHORT STORIES OF AURORA RHAPSODY: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION is now available in ebook on Amazon and other major retailers (Nook, iTunes, Kobo, GPlay) for $0.99. It's also available in paperback, and I'm thrilled to say that it will soon be available in audiobook as well.

Short Stories of Aurora Rhapsody includes all the stories published to date (Restless I/II, Solatium, Apogee, Venatoris and Re/Genesis), but perhaps more importantly, it includes a brand new, exclusive-to-the-Collection story, MERIDIAN.

Last summer, I ran a poll asking what stories you would like to see in short form, and the runaway winner was David Solovy and Richard Navick's origin story - which was fantastic, since I very much wanted to tell that story. However, if you've finished Rubicon, you know why I held off on doing so for a while, and why I'm publishing it now :). Don't you want to read that before Requiem gets here? Grab it today.

If you've previously left a review on one of the short stories, a quick transfer of the review over to the Collection would be greatly appreciated. If you need help finding your review, just shoot me an email.

I have a new blog post today for your enjoyment, "AURORA RHAPSODY IN NUMBERS & PICTURES." Why am I sharing it today, instead of when Requiem releases? Because nobody's going to stop to read a blog post when Requiem releases - you're all going to be reading Requiem, right? So today, take a moment and enjoy some fond memories with me - then go read Meridian ;).


A long-requested item has made it to the store in time for Christmas. Aurora Rhapsody custom labeled wine is now available for purchase! Choose from a cabernet or pinot grigio - and when it's empty, save the bottle :D. Shipping takes a little while, so if you want a bottle for Christmas (as a gift or for yourself), get your order in within the next couple of days.

A quick reminder: Requiem already has its own page on the website (with quick-share social media buttons at the bottom), and here's the Goodreads page so you can add it to your "Want to Read" shelf.

Nine days until  Requiem is in your hands!

Aurora Rhapsody In Numbers & Pictures

Aurora Rhapsody In Numbers & Pictures

After more than a million words, how does one begin to capture the essence of the Aurora Rhapsody saga in a mere few hundred? Three years, 9 months and 10 days ago, I promised to the world that it would be "an epic tale of galaxy-spanning adventure, of the thrill of discovery and the unquenchable desire to reach ever farther into the unknown. It's a tale of humanity at its best and worst, of love and loss, of fear and heroism. It's the story of a woman who sought the stars and found more than anyone imagined possible." I hope it has become all those things and much more.

Aurora Rhapsody is science fiction, an imagined future, space opera, adventure, mystery, romance, action. It's exploration of space and exploration of what it means to be human. What it means to be alive. It's love and lasers, battles with the characters' internal demons and star-exploding space battles. It's an optimistic vision that dares to believe humanity will prove to be both stronger and better than we believe ourselves to be today. It is, I suspect, something different for each one of you. It can't be defined by numbers, but what the hell - I will anyway.