Cosmic Shores

The Expanding Universe, plus a new way to read SFF books

The Expanding Universe, plus a new way to read SFF books

THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE: VOLUME 10 is out in the world! Have you picked up yet? If not, you can grab it from Amazon (or in Kindle Unlimited) today: GET THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE

The Expanding Universe Vol. 10 is curated by Craig Martelle, sci-fi superstar and tireless indie author advocate. My story in the anthology, “Extinguishing the Stars,” is a prequel to my upcoming novel, The Universe Within. Read it now and get a sneak peek at the world Alex and Caleb will discover early next year.

In addition to my story, it features a tale by Martelle plus 18 more stellar stories from well-known authors to rising stars. You don’t want to miss it.

…and IF you have picked it up, and have read a couple of the stories, I and the other authors would so greatly appreciate it if you shared a quick little review. No need to have read the whole (hefty) book - you can just call out any stories you (hopefully) enjoyed. You have my thanks!


Now I want to share with you an awesome selection of scifi and fantasy books that Kobo has curated to help spotlight its awesome subscription program, Kobo Plus.

What’s Kobo Plus, you ask? Well, it’s a sort of “Netflix for books.” Much like Kindle Unlimited (KU), except it’s cheaper for readers ($7.99 vs $11.99 in the US), it includes audiobooks as well as ebooks, it’s available in a bunch of countries, and it’s fairer to authors. How? Well, in order for a book to be in KU, Amazon requires it to be published exclusively on Amazon (this is why The Expanding Universe isn’t available on other retailers; I’m not the publisher, so it wasn’t my call). Kobo Plus, however, has no such requirement. This means all my books and audiobooks are available in Kobo Plus - and so are offerings from a ton of talented authors.

Best of all? The first month’s free, so you can try it out and see if you like it. Kobo has a great free reading app you can install on your phone, tablet or computer, just like Kindle. So check out these featured ebooks and audiobooks on Kobo Plus today (just a small samplling of the many titles available). Click on a book that catches your fancy, and you’ll be prompted to start your free trial. Enjoy!


Who Wants a New Short Story?

Who Wants a New Short Story?

When I created the setting for the next book, The Universe Within, I pretty quickly realized it was so much bigger than I was going to be able to cover in the fast-paced, focused format of the Cosmic Shores novels. So I promptly scribbled out a short story that deep-dives into the Elakri’s world. “Extinguishing the Stars” is a prequel to The Universe Within, and it is the lead-off story in the new anthology THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE Vol. 10!

The anthology will be released September 9, but you can pre-order it today from Amazon. The Expanding Universe Vol. 10 is curated by Craig Martelle, sci-fi superstar and tireless indie author advocate. In addition to my story, it features a tale by Martell plus 18 more stellar stories from well-known authors to rising stars. You don’t want to miss it.



Dragon Con was amazing this year! The panels were so much fun (I got to meet Hugh Howey in person on the “Books That Inspire Us” panel, which was quite the treat - he was gracious, humble and kind). I was honored to meet several of you, and to talk with so many enthusiastic sci-fi fans. Here’s a couple of pictures, but images cannot convey what an insane, overwhelming, incredible experience Dragon Con is. If you’re curious, visit the Dragon Con Facebook Page and check out some of the wild videos they posted. There are few if any SFF fan conventions like it in the world.

See the Dragon Con pics here.

Will I See You At Dragon Con?

Will I See You At Dragon Con?

Dragon Con is next week, and I will be there! It runs Aug. 29-Sept. 2 in Atlanta, and is one of the world’s largest celebrations of all thing sci-fi and fantasy: movies and TV, comics, games, art, of course books, and so much more. Get your tickets here.

This year, I will have my own vendor booth in the main vendor hall (3rd floor) for the entire convention. If you're going to be there, come see me! You don't need to buy a paperback, promise - just stop by and say hello. I’d love to meet you.

See my schedule and location.

THE THIEF Audiobook Is Here, Plus a Thank You

THE THIEF Audiobook Is Here, Plus a Thank You

I’m thrilled to announce that the THE THIEF audiobook is now available at all major online retailers! I can’t wait for you to listen to Eren being his most Eren as he wanders outside of Concord space and stumbles into far more than he bargained for (and that’s before Nyx crashes the party and complicates everything).



And now, a huge “Thanks!” to all of you. Without any prompting or nudging on my part, you voted The Thief the 2nd Best Sci-Fi Book of 2024 (So Far) over at Discover Sci-Fi! It makes me so happy to know you’ve enjoyed this book so much. It is, at its heart, a love letter to one of the greatest characters in Amaranthe; I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you’ve had as much fun reading it.


Just a quick note to say that I’m almost finished with the first draft of THE UNIVERSE WITHIN, and I am so excited about this book. It’s amazing to return to Alex and Caleb, but I’m also stoked about the fascinating world and character at the center of the story. Stay tuned for more details soon.

How are you enjoying The Thief? (plus a surprise below)

How are you enjoying The Thief? (plus a surprise below)

I supposed I asked the second question first, didn’t I? First, have you picked up THE THIEF yet? If not, you can get it from your favorite retailer now. GET THE THIEF

Second, if you have picked the book up, I certainly hope you are enjoying it! Let me know. What are readers saying so far?

  • “I read while eating, while parenting, while relaxing. Couldn't take my hands off of it.” 

  • “A spine-tingling adventure across space in visceral, emotional, and adrenaline-pumping style.”

  • “I zipped through this book because it was so much fun to read and then
    when I was finished, wished it would have continued on to another
    adventure. I would love to see Eren and Nyx re-appear in another story.”

If you’re so inclined, don’t forget to leave a review at Amazon, the retailer where you purchased it, or on Goodreads. Nothing fancy is required - just a few words go a long way. I greatly appreciate it.


Now, about that surprise. :)

The final (for now) novel in the Cosmic Shores series will be titled THE UNIVERSE WITHIN, and it will star Alex and Caleb in their own standaone adventure. I'm so excited to be returning to my first loves and most favorite of my favorites. I'm almost as excited for the plot I've noodled out for them and the fascinating new alien species they're set to get all tangled up with, the Elakri. In fact, I'm so excited about it, I've already written a short story prequel to the book - but more on in a later update.

For now, here's a brief, temporary blurb that will suffice until I've written enough of the book to craft a more detailed description:

Thousands of years ago, the Elakri were a galaxy-spanning civilization—until they were forced to hide themselves away in the folds of space to escape an unstoppable foe. But what was once their salvation soon became their prison.

Alex Solovy and Caleb Marano hunt the cosmos for signs of an ancient enemy’s return. When they detect a breach in the fabric of space, however, they discover something wholly unexpected: a people lost in time and space, who have forgotten all they once were. Returning the Elakri to their proper place among the stars seems the least they can do, but first they have to survive a strange and dangerous world where none of the usual rules apply.

THE UNIVERSE WITHIN will be out next year, but you can pre-order it today in ebook, paperback and hardback:



Finally, a question for you. I'm having great fun taking a break from the universe-threatening peril that dominated earlier books to galavant around the cosmos with some of Amaranthe's most dynamic characters, and I hope you are, too. But who do you miss most from the main cast? Who can you not wait to get back to and find out how they've been doing in the three years since Duality? Hit 'reply' and let me know!



It’s time to tag along with Eren as he follows a hunch one afternoon and wanders off, lands 135 megaparsecs from Concord space, meets a perplexing species as old as the Anadens, and gets tangled up in a nefarious murder mystery - and that’s just the first day. THE THIEF is now available at all retailers in ebook, paperback and hardback! GET THE THIEF

If you pre-ordered the ebook, it should be waiting for you right now on your ereader device or app. (Note: if you pre-ordered directly from my web store, you should have an email from BookFunnel with a link to download your book; if not, go to and login with the email you used to pre-order.)

You can get the paperback and hardback from Amazon, Barnes & Noble’s website and many other online bookstores, or you can order a signed copy directly from me.

Audiobook listeners: Pyper Down has already started recording! If you want to listen to the chapters as she records them, you can join my Buy Me A Coffee (Concord level).