
The Thief Cover Reveal, Plus the Best SciFi Sale of the Year

The Thief Cover Reveal, Plus the Best SciFi Sale of the Year

You’ve waited long enough to see this positively kick-ass cover for THE THIEF, haven’t you? I think so. I’ve also got an expanded blurb for you. I can’t wait for you all to come along for the ride as our favorite ex-anarch bites off more than he bargained for….

I’ll be announcing the official release date very soon (May/June), but you can pre-order the book today at your favorite retailer.

 * A stand-alone adventure set in the Amaranthe universe *

The Hesgyr are thieves. “Scavengers,” to hear their victims tell it; “repurposers” by their own reckoning.

As Chief of Intelligence for Non-Anaden Affairs, Eren Savitas’ job is to protect the Advocacy from all manner of alien threats: sabotage, assassination, insurgency and, way down the list, theft. So when he spots a Hesgyr running off with valuable technology, he follows the alien home—and discovers a civilization unlike any he’s ever encountered.

Yes, the Hesgyr are thieves. But they are also being hunted. Systematically exterminated by an insidious enemy they can’t see, touch or find. Eren finds himself drawn ever deeper into the Hesgyr’s fascinating yet labyrinthine world as he races against time to solve the mystery of the deadly attacks. What he discovers is a complex web of loyalties and betrayals, of grudges and grievances millennia old—and beneath it all, a secret that may hold the key to the survival of more than one civilization.

The Thief is a humorous, pulse-pounding sci-fi adventure about alien culture clashes, the flaws and foibles that transcend species, and the satisfaction that comes from breaking all the rules to save the day.


Now I have another treat for you. I’ve teamed up with dozens of today’s most popular indie scifi authors to bring you an epic collection of over 100 novels, box sets and short stories, all for the low price of FREE - but only for the next two days (MARCH 15-16), so don’t dally. SCI-FI BOOK BLAST

An Akeso Christmas Tale & a Big Ebook Sale

An Akeso Christmas Tale & a Big Ebook Sale

Merriest of Christmases and Happiest of Holidays to you! I hope you are heading into a festive week full of friends, family and joy - and some much deserved reading time with great books, of course. ;)

You all really enjoyed the Halloween ghost story I shared, so I’ve written another little flash story - more on that in a second. First, I’m running a big sale on ebooks from my direct store. Now through January 1st, you can get 30% off every ebook you purchase directly from me. Use the coupon “HOLIDAY23” as many times as you want, for as many books as you like. GO TO THE SALE

Now, about that Christmas flash fiction. A VERY AKESO CHRISTMAS takes place a few months after Duality; as such, it does contain some spoilers for the Riven Worlds novels. As befitting a Christmas tale written by someone who grew up on the likes of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman, it is heartwarming, a little silly, and terribly sappy!

I scribbled it out in about two hours earlier this week, and it’s only been edited for spelling errors. At twelve hundred words, it’s a super-quick read. I hope it gets you in the holiday frame of mind as you go into this special week. Here’s a tiny excerpt from the story:

The house was decked in an extravaganza of greenery and shining balls and red bows and bright artificial stars; the two largest trees situated off the porch bore matching attire. “What is this?”

Alex appeared from Eren’s left as the wormhole faded away. “It’s Christmas.” She extended a hand to him. “Come inside.”

What in Athena’s name was ‘Christmas’? A quick query told him it was a Human holiday with religious roots that centered around gift-giving, decorating trees, singing carols, lighting things up, something about reindeer and…possibly snowball fights?


A Very Akeso Christmas

A Very Akeso Christmas

Eren had never seen snow on Akeso before. Ahead, the house was decked in an extravaganza of greenery and shining balls and red bows and bright artificial stars; the two largest trees situated off the porch bore matching attire.

“What is this?”

Alex appeared from his left as the wormhole faded away. “It’s Christmas.” She extended a hand to him. “Come inside.”

What in Athena’s name was ‘Christmas’? A quick query told him it was a Human holiday with religious roots that centered around gift-giving, decorating trees, singing carols, lighting things up, something about reindeer and…possibly snowball fights?

A Halloween Ghost Story, Audio Shorts, and a Great SciFi Sale

A Halloween Ghost Story, Audio Shorts, and a Great SciFi Sale

Happy Halloween! I’ve got a fun—I mean spooky—bit of flash fiction for you today starring Nika and Dashiel. But first….

Ever been curious about my audiobooks and all the fuss over Pyper Down, but not ready to commit to Audible or another audio app? Good news - I've put all the Amaranthe short stories up on my YouTube page, where you can listen to them for FREE.

You know you already fall down YouTube rabbit holes all the time - might as well fall down this one. Listen to them all here: https://www.youtube.com/@gs_jennsen


I’ve also got a giant collection of over 100 free or discounted scifi and fantasy books for you. Find them all here: SciFi & Fantasy Book Bazaar


Now, about that Halloween flash fiction. GHOSTS OF PROELE takes place around three years after Duality, but before any future books starring Nika and Dashiel. That said, you don’t need to have read Duality or any of the Riven Worlds books to enjoy the story (it is a little spoilery if you haven’t yet read Asterion Noir). I scribbled it out in about an hour last week, and it’s only been editing for spelling errors. At a thousand words, it’s a super-quick read. I hope you enjoy it!


Ghosts of Proele

Ghosts of Proele


The word whispered through her dream, carried along by an eerie, haunted wind. Wisps of fog obscured any details of where she was, but everywhere she turned, there was only the word.




I’m going to avoid significant spoilers for Duality as I talk about what comes next, so feel free to keep reading if you haven’t finished it yet.

Was Riven Worlds an epic saga, or what? Telling a single story arc over six doorstopper books was, honestly, the greatest challenge I’ve faced as a writer so far. I hope I delivered.:)

Our intrepid heroes deserve a break now, don’t they? My goodness. So let’s all take a deep breath alongside them, exhale…and forge ahead into the stars.

Because guess what? The story of Amaranthe is STILL just beginning.