science fiction

RUBICON Audiobook Now Available (Plus, a Cover Contest)

RUBICON Audiobook Now Available (Plus, a Cover Contest)

The RUBICON audiobook is out and available on Amazon and Audible. When it goes live on iTunes, I'll update this post with a link - or you can find it here. UPDATE: It's now available on iTunes as well.

What I said about the novel is worth repeating now for those about to dive into it:

Rubicon is a war novel, but because of its flashy space battles (which do happen). It conveys the personal cost of war, and the question of what is truly required to win one. It tackles the morality of hard choices made and the consequences they wreak. It embraces hope, family, forgiveness and the power that comes from believing nothing is impossible - then acting on that belief. It also brings to culmination the second most important story arc of the series and delivers more than one dramatic revelation.

And now, all this is brought to life by Pyper Down's incredible talent. I believe you are in for a real treat :).

New to audiobooks? You can find all the Aurora Rhapsody novels on Amazon, Audible and iTunes, and feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.


Speaking of Rubicon - it has been shortlisted for Cover of the Month at As I post this, it's #2 in the tally - so if you love the cover, I would greatly appreciate a vote for it! You can go here to vote (you do have to sign up/log in, but I've found it to be an excellent, non-spammy site). Thanks in advance!

Rubicon Updates, Requiem Cover & More

Rubicon Updates, Requiem Cover & More

I'm thrilled to share an early look at the final cover for REQUIEM (Aurora Resonant Book Three, Aurora Rhapsody #9), which will be available later this year:

[view image]

In case it wasn't clear before now, I did tell you where this series was going from the beginning. From the very first words, in fact.

Words can be tricky things, though. I should know - it's my job to craft, mold, twist and turn them until they tell a meaningful, compelling story in a memorable way. With that in mind - and to hopefully ease yours - I offer you some brief musings on the word requiem’ in a new blog post: A Word About A Word.

Also, the Requiem word meter is up and running in the sidebar on the website, so you can keep track of its progress over the next several months.

Your response to Rubicon has been tremendous. With every book, I think the reviews can't get any more beautiful or humbling; with every book you prove me wrong. And feel free to continue doing so - if you haven't posted a review yet, I would love to see your thoughts on Amazon / Goodreads. If you haven't had a chance to get the book yet, by all means!

Other news:

RUBICON Is Live, & Aurora Rhapsody On Sale

RUBICON Is Live, & Aurora Rhapsody On Sale

RUBICON: Aurora Resonant Book Two is now available in ebook and paperback on Amazon worldwide. The ebook is available at a special release price of $0.99 through Monday, so grab it before it moves to its regular price - the sooner the better, as release-day sales matter a great deal.

Rubicon is a very special book for me, and I hope it will be for you as well. It's a war novel, but because of its flashy space battles (which do happen). It conveys the personal cost of war, and the question of what is truly required to win one. It tackles the morality of hard choices made and the consequences they wreak. It embraces hope, family, forgiveness and the power that comes from believing nothing is impossible - then acting on that belief. It also brings to culmination the second most important story arc of the series and delivers more than one dramatic revelation. So enjoy!

* To celebrate the Rubicon release, ALL THE AURORA RHAPSODY BOOKS ARE ON SALE FOR $0.99 through Monday: Starshine, Vertigo, Transcendence, Sidespace, Dissonance, Abysm and Relativity.

* You can find them all in one place on the Amazon Aurora Rhapsody series page.

I want to thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm, for your messages, reviews and social media shares. Thank you for coming along for the ride on this epic, occasionally insane journey :).

RUBICON Release Date, Blurb & More

RUBICON Release Date, Blurb & More

RUBICON, Book Two of Aurora Resonant, the final trilogy in the Aurora Rhapsody saga, will be released FRIDAY, JUNE 9th in ebook and paperback (audiobook to follow in July).

You'll be able to enjoy it by the pool, at the beach - or if you live in Australia, next to a cozy fire. Really, anywhere works :). Today, I'm thrilled to present the final Rubicon cover and blurb: (view).

Also, here's your first quote from RUBICON. Look for more quotes in coming days on social media (Twitter, Facebook, G+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr) and on the website here.

RUBICON already has its own page here on the website, and here's the Goodreads page so you can add it to your "Want to Read" shelf.

I'll have a bit more to say about the book at release time, but suffice it to say this story means the world to me, and I cannot wait to share it with all of you.

RELATIVITY Audiobook Now Available

RELATIVITY Audiobook Now Available

The RELATIVITY audiobook is here! Grab it on Amazon, Audible and iTunes. Haven't been listening, but are interested in starting now? Send me an email - the first five people to respond will get a code to download the audiobook of their choice from Audible for free.

  • Pyper Down has been a fantastic narrator from the start, but she has truly outdone herself this time. Six new POV voices and 18 new speakers - 12 of them from 6 new alien species - and she handled them all flawlessly.
  • Eren, Felzeor and the rest of the new cast are brought to life with wonderful uniqueness and personality, and I couldn't be happier (you can probably tell). So give it a listen :).


Amazon recently launched Prime Reading, a curated selection of quality books that Prime members can download and read for free (learn more about the program here). I'm honored to announce that STARSHINE is one of 44 science fiction novels currently selected for the program. Until the end of March, Amazon Prime members can read Starshine for FREE.

The first draft of RUBICON is complete. Only two more drafts and five rounds of editing to go ;). You can read a little more about it in my recent Facebook post. Keep track of Rubicon's progress with the word count and (soon) editing meter in the right-hand column of the website homepage, under Works in Progress.

Holiday Wishes & A Holiday Sale

Holiday Wishes & A Holiday Sale

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holidays! I won't take much of your time, so you can get back to the eggnog and leftover cookies:

  • The response to RELATIVITY has been absolutely tremendous. I love that you love Eren, Felzeor, and the wondrous and dangerous universe of Amaranthe as much as I do. If you've had the chance to finish reading Relativity, consider posting a quick review on Amazon or sharing the book on social media - you have my thanks!
  • In an overabundance of holiday spirit, I've put both Aurora Rising and Aurora Renegades: The Complete Collections on sale for $0.99 (or currency equivalent) on Amazon WORLDWIDE. The sale runs until the calendar flips to the new year, so tell your friends they have something to spend a tiny fraction of their Christmas gift cards on :).

Thank you all for an amazing year, and I look forward to sharing more of Alex and Caleb's incredible story with you all in the next one.