Now, now, "frenzy and hysteria" is such a negative characterization. I prefer "a cackle of diabolical glee," myself. ;)
Via Raconteur Press
Now, now, "frenzy and hysteria" is such a negative characterization. I prefer "a cackle of diabolical glee," myself. ;)
Via Raconteur Press
It's my once a year reminder that I have a fun Buy Me A Coffee program you can subscribe to if you like (think Patreon, without all the heavy-handed rules and fees). It comes with different tiers, so you can subscribe to exactly what you want and nothing more!
- monthly wallpaper downloads from my book covers and other art
- montly livestream chats, where we cover space news, tech advancements, scifi media, my books and whatever else you inquire about...oh, and I read excerpts from my current WIP
- you get every new ebook 10 days early
- you get to listen to the new audiobook as Pyper is recording it
Check out the program here:
Finished Silo S2 last night. I have quibbles, and the pacing was uneven, but it was quality TV. But what I most appreciate is that despite what I imagine was fairly significant Hollywood pressure to do so, they continue to NOT force Juliette into the standard "heroine" archetype. Instead, she remains entirely what she is: an engineer.
When she turned to Solo and said, "I need something to draw on," then ran for the chalkboard, I laughed out loud. Being married to an engineer, I recognize this behavior all too well.
Not going to lie, she reminds me a fair bit of Alex, too. Cranky, at times rude, oblivious to common social cues and manners, determined to pursue what she knows to be true no matter what.
At various times in the last 10 years, key parts of Aurora Renegades, Aurora Resonant, Asterion Noir, and Riven Worlds have all been brainstormed in this notebook on long drives.
When I initially posted this pic on social media, in real time, I said, “Wonder what I'll write in it today?”
Now, of course, I know what I wrote in it. And that’s all I’ll say about that. For now. ;)
It's a historic day for private space exploration. Early Sunday morning, Firefly Space's Blue Ghost stuck the landing, making it the first fully successful private, commercial moon landing!
On a tiny nanofiche onboard Blue Ghost reside two of my short stories, "Apogee" and "Solatium," as part of the Lunar Codex. All the thanks to Samuel Peralta for making so many writers' and artists' dream come true.
Blue Ghost is ALSO carrying a bucketload of science. Instruments will investigate the structure and composition of the moon’s mantle, the heat flow at different depths beneath the lunar surface, the interaction of solar wind and Earth’s magnetic field, and the impact of solar radiation on the lunar surface.
The lander also carries the Lunar PlanetVac, which is designed to collect regolith from the lunar surface that could be returned to Earth as part of a separate mission, and the Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment, which will test the ability to use GPS signals at lunar distances.
Blue Ghost will operate for about 14 Earth days on the lunar surface. On March 14, Firefly expects to capture high-definition imagery of a total eclipse when the Earth blocks the sun above the moon’s horizon. How amazing is that going to be?
That’s one heck of a selfie, Athena!
This image is from the Intuitive Machines Nova-C “Athena” lunar craft, which is currently headed toward the moon for a scheduled March 6 landing.*
* Wholly incidentially, with a digital recording of three of my short stories, Venatoris, Re/Genesis and Chrysalis, on board (along with hundreds of other stories, novels and art). I am super excited!
I'll have more to say about * this * in a few weeks, after more people have finished The Universe Within and I've caught my breath from many goings-on. But over here, we're getting this party started.
P.S.: For those of you who haven’t seen this kind of image from me before, this is a storyboard outline of the next book, created in an app called Plottr. Each row/color corresponds to a character or related set of characters. I won’t give them all away, but blue is Alex and Caleb. The content of the blocks is strategically blurred out so you don’t get spoiled way, way early - but maybe it gets you thinking about what those blocks could involve. :D
The Murderbot TV show will start streaming on Apple TV+ May 16, with Alexander Skarsgård in the lead role. We don’t have a trailer yet, though, only these two stills.
Who’s excited for this?
It's their motto. They should emblazon it over the entryway of the house on Akeso.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the reason we have 22 books.
Writing heroes who demand to shake up the world can at times be like the Chinese proverb of riding the tiger - except instead of being afraid to dismount, I just hang on and enjoy the ride.
9 days until THE UNIVERSE WITHIN gets here!
What a heady experience it must be to get rescued by these two....
* rubs hands together *
Who's ready for a final proofread?
P.S.: I'm absolutely loving the Colorsoft. It's beautiful and fast, and the text is super-crisp.
No, we can't expect any such thing.
So Valkyrie and Akeso have to, for the most part, sit this adventure out. This gave me a chance to right Alex without Valkyrie and especially Caleb without Akeso. I think you all will enjoy how this plays out for them. In some ways, it's like the old days...but not in every way, for they've experienced so much since then.
It's been a banger of a month for THE THIEF. It's just been named a Quarterfinalist in this year's Self-Published Science Fiction Competition, a huge contest celebrating indie science fiction founded by Hugh Howey in 2021.
The competition lasts for many months, as 6 review teams read through hundreds of entries. Next up, after much more reading, the semifinalists will be announced in March.
I'm so proud of this book - though its success is less my doing and more Eren's innate ability to bring flair, style, wit and heart...and every room he walks into.
This conversation with Mr. Jennsen took place 7 years ago, while I was writing RUBICON, but it’s just as funny (to me) as it was back then. As I said then:
“If you can't laugh at yourself, what are you working for, right? I give you the essence of my characters, distilled to their purest features. *Warning: cursing follows. Because Alex.*
Also, if anyone wondered if my husband really reads my books, I believe he has now dispelled that notion in glorious style.”
Nominations for Discover Sci-Fi’s Best Sci-Fi Books of 2024 award are now open, and THE THIEF is eligible!
DSF is leveling-up the award in a big way this year. There are now multiple categories, and the overall winner gets a REAL, LIVE TROPHY.
I would be honored if you considered nominating THE THIEF (note: it won 2nd place in the half-year poll). So here's how it works:
you can nominate a book in as many categories as you want - you don't have to choose just one.
THE THIEF is definitely a fit for "Best Science Fiction Novel" (the top category) and "Best Alien Sci-Fi Novel.” One can quibble about whether it qualifies as space opera for "Best Space Opera Novel" - I leave that to your discretion.
Nominations are open through 12/18. The finalists will be announced, and final voting takes place 12/19-12/31.
You can find the nominations form here:
Over on X, people have been having fun the last few days with a new feature of Grok: "Grok, draw me." Basically, it pulls info from your tweets, pinned tweet, profile pic and bio., books and too many retweets of We Rate Dogs? Sounds about right. Loving the time machine to 25-year-old me, too, lol.
As promised, I give you a finished (for now) library! And the best part is...we found a home for the book cover posters (with lots of room to grow). As is so often the case, it was Mr. Jennsen’s idea, because he's awesome.
By the way, has anyone seen our hardbacks of 2001 and Rendezvous With Rama? Maybe on the side of the highway somewhere Those are literally the only 2 items that we lost in the move from Montana-with-a-layover-in-an-apartment-and-storage-unit. (We finally gave up searching and ordered replacements, so they're in the pics - but those aren't the *right* copies....)
NOW it's a home.
Since many of you have inquired, the last 3 photos are zoom-ins of (1) science fiction, (2) near future scifi/cyberpunk, (3) science, computers and other nerdy non-fiction. Caveat: I've leaned pretty heavily on my Kindle these last 10 years, so my physical scifi collection is no longer as representative as I'd like it to be; I'll be working on rectifying that.
Happy -262nd Birthday to Alexis Mallory Solovy Marano, daughter of Commandant and Commander Solovy, first Prevo and savior of humanity four times over.
And the first draft of THE UNIVERSE WITHIN is complete!!
It clocks in at 64,451 words, which is a hefty chunk considering all the [skipped scenes] and [vague notes and instructions] and [half finished chapters], lol. *motions at Alex and Caleb and all those rich, fully formed worlds and stories that burst to life wherever they go*
I don't think a story has come together this quickly since Abysm, which is really saying something. But boy, do I have a ton of work ahead of me. I was flinging brackets left and right as fast as I could type them, just to get the plot out of my head and onto the page.
So, yeah. Time to grab the fire extinguisher..