Anthem Review

I did an extensive review for Mass Effect Andromeda after finishing it, so I figure I owe you one after finishing the critical path storyline for Anthem. Spoiler-free!

The very, very good: 💯

1) Flying is FUN.💫 Combat is FUN. Not having played Titanfall or its ilk, I'll refrain from saying it's unique, but there's no question that with the javelins Bioware has created something ⭐️very special⭐️. I can't overstate how smooth and exhilarating it feels to soar through Bastion's canyons and blow up enemies.

2) The world is drop-dead gorgeous. State-of-the-art graphics, incredible lighting and what feels like a lot of attention to detail combine to make Bastion's wilds the most beautiful environment I've ever seen in a video game. (One slight negative: it isn't, however, particularly varied, at least not yet. But you don't care, because what's there is simply stunning.)

3) The voice acting in the critical path questline is among the best I've ever heard in a game. Bioware has always excelled in this area, but they've somehow managed to up their game here. Faye, Haluk, Owen, Tassyn, Dax and the rest quickly become memorable, impactful characters thanks to their VAs. I can't speak about the male freelancer, but the female freelance voice is also excellent. I'm not sure how well the VA would do with a "heftier" role like Shepard, but here she's quite pleasant to listen to.

4) Bioware has FINALLY cracked the secret code on how to make characters look good using the much-maligned Frostbite engine. NPCs are varied and diverse in their appearances, but they all look great. So much less shininess and puffiness than in DAI and MEA! One of the major characters in the main quest, Tassyn, is frankly gorgeous (even if she is a bit of a bitch). Facial animations are also much improved from MEA, if not quite up to AC: Odyssey standards. I've read Bioware used a lot more motion capture for Anthem than they have previously, which likely explains this improvement.

The not so great: 😏

1) WHY OH WHY did Bioware choose a first-person perspective for Fort Tarsis (and a Javelin-only third-person perspective for outside) when they've FINALLY cracked the secret code on how to make characters look good??? In character creation, you choose male or female, then from one of a dozen or so fixed portraits. After that, you only see your character's face during a few *meaningful* mission cutscenes, when they flip their visor up. You never see their hair or see them out of a javelin. Such a waste!

2A) The critical path questline is far too short. Granted, this will almost certainly be expanded upon in the future (apparently for free, which will be nice). While a compelling story, it's not nearly long or fulsome enough to serve as the backbone of a game. Of course, Anthem is about much more than that questline, so arguably it doesn't need to be.

2B) And it's too shallow. If not for the stellar voice acting and the innate storytelling finesse Bioware has always displayed, it would have been very difficult to feel the slightest bit invested in your character's 'backstory' or the current plight they and the world find themselves facing.

The bad: 😖

1) The missions are worryingly repetitive in their technical design. There's only about 3 basic mechanics the missions rotate between, and I worry that the repetition will soon drown out the inherent fun in the gameplay.

2) The gear/weapons/skills system is simultaneously overly complicated and overly shallow. This is something else I'm sure will be dramatically expanded and refined with time, but at release, it leaves a lot to be desired.

3) Fort Tarsis is much smaller than I was expecting. I have to believe they cut large swaths of it to make an EA-mandated release date. What's there is charming and quirky, but there's not much there.

4) Way too many and too long loading screens. This is something Bioware has been frantically working on improving, and there was a BIG improvement from the demo to release. They're still too long and happen way too frequently.

5) Co-op needs text chat! (And possibly voice chat, but at least text chat.) Several missions include puzzles, and you can imagine how much fun it is to have 4 players who can't communicate with each other running around randomly spinning obelisks and lights and such all at the same time, frequently at cross-purposes.

So will I keep playing? Yes, but until there's a substantive (read: story-heavy) update, only casually. Like I said, it's FUN. But having completed the only significant questline, it's not necessarily meaningful.

Don't ask me for a score, guys. Come on....😔

Okay, fine! B...-

Have some raw, unenhanced screenshots!

Anthem 2019-02-22 19-21-30-38.jpg
Anthem 2019-02-24 14-41-17-92.jpg
Anthem 2019-02-23 10-12-41-21.jpg
Anthem 2019-02-23 10-47-50-90.jpg

Originally posted on Facebook.

Stunning Astrophotography Image of SpaceX Launch

By Mike Seeley: “40 mins of pre-launch star trails + 4 minutes of rocket streak + 55 seconds of the Moon rising with bonus: the boost-back landing burn, low on the horizon. Congratulations to all involved in the #SpaceX #NusantaraSatu #Falcon9 launch (&landing!) (Pis: me / @WeReportSpace)”

The mission sent an Israeli commercial lunar lander off on its two-month journey to the moon. You can learn more about the mission at


Originally posted on Twitter.

70K for The Stars Like Gods

Did you know The Stars Like Gods already has 70,000 words? Messy words, but words nonetheless.

Yesterday I reached the point where I needed to map out what I had, so I could identify holes still needing to be filled. Plot holes, but mostly character holes. So I grabbed some paper and a bunch pens and created a gorgeous flow chart in my infamous scrawl. (I swear, I couldn't draw a straight line if I had a gun pointed at my head.) 🤣 The holes I found are in red. 💢

Yes, it's a tiny picture, for good reason. 😋


Originally posted on Facebook.

A Celebration of Opportunity

The NASA press conference was a beautiful, heartfelt celebration of the 15 years of Opportunity's mission and a look to the future of Mars exploration.

Over the last 9 months, the team sent over 1,000 recovery commands to try and wake Opportunity up, ultimately to no avail. The last message Opportunity sent translated as “My battery is low and it is getting dark.” 🥺 Amidst a month-long, record-setting dust storm, it was simply too cold and too dark for too long.

Now the internet is overflowing with personal tributes, and more than a few tears. Here are a few, as well as some images and infographics:

Official statement and mission recap from JPL:…/nasas-opportunity-rover-mission-on…/

XKCD Comic "Opportunity":

A comic with a happy ending, one day:

More hope for a reunion in the future: “And in 200 years time the little rover will awaken to someone cleaning and repairing it and fitting new batteries, and it'll roll outside and look out over the city of the same name, its home.”:

A thread on what went wrong for Opportunity:

A thread on what Opportunity has meant for humanity, and why we cry at its loss:…/status/1095730251873714176

A live blog thread on the NASA press conference:

Another beautiful goodbye:

A eulogy by Rachel Feltman:

A whole Flikr gallery of images from Opportunity over the years by Jason Major:…/lightsinth…/sets/72157669559511817/

Curiosity’s tribute to Opportunity:

Even The Onion got sentimental:

Beautiful thoughts from Scott Maxwell, who relayed commands to Opportunity for years:

Ad astra to Opportunity, the finest planetary rover we’ve ever known:

I'm not crying, you're crying. Okay, fine, we're all crying. 😭


Originally posted on Facebook (with updates).

Opportunity Update

NASA will hold a press conference Wednesday at 2PM EST to share the results of its efforts to reestablish contact with Opportunity. All indications are that it won't be good news, and may very well mark the end of the mission.

It's been 9 months since communication with the rover was lost during a massive Mars dust storm.

Whatever happens, here's a beautiful piece about Opportunity and some of the lives it's touched by Shannon Stirone:…/its-time-to-say-goodbye-to-our-beloved…. Expect a lot more pieces like this to be posted in coming days.


Originally posted on Facebook and Twitter.

Last Light

"All these worlds are yours (except Europa)." *shrug* It seemed appropriate. 😌

This image is being called "last light," a bookend to the first full image from Kepler, captured a decade earlier (


Originally posted on Facebook and Twitter.

New Device Is Better Than Old Device

The new model Kindle Paperwhite has replaced an aging (if not *technically* broken) Voyage. It's an upgrade in every way - thinner, lighter, faster, better screen - but it's an incremental upgrade, not a revolutionary one.

I'm very happy with it, but Amazon...I'm pretty sure I know how to work a Kindle, and I'm frankly a little insulted that you think I need❗THREE⁉️ User Guides.... 😶


Originally posted on Facebook and Instagram.

Just A Little Inspiration

Just a little inspiration, for me as much as for you, on a morning when I'm trying to write despite having the flu, and am gently kicking ACX over where the h*ck my audiobook is. 🤨

I couldn't find any attribution for the quote, but shout if you know who said it.

Hat tip to We Rate Dogs for teaching me how to keep my cursing clean. (Don't worry, this won't extend to the books, lol. Or any other part of my life. But We Rate Dogs is awesome.) 😋

Did anyone else immediately think of Akeso when they read the first two sentences?


Originally posted on Facebook.

It's All Getting Better

A positive reminder that, though on any given day or even year it might not seem like it (and it's in the media's interest not to report it), humanity, the world, society - it's all getting better. We've made amazing progress over the last 200 years; the improvements began accelerating in the last 80 years, and a simple extrapolation from historical data suggests those curves are going to keep accelerating upward.

THIS is why we'll go to the stars. Better yet, this is why we'll deserve to. 🤗

Via Bill Gates:

More information on the data behind the graphs:…


Originally posted on Facebook and Twitter.