science fiction

Live Q&A/Hangout Next Sunday, Plus an Audiobook Update

Live Q&A/Hangout Next Sunday, Plus an Audiobook Update

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be joining SF/F authors EJ Fisch & Tammy Salyer for a video chat next Sunday, September 20th, 2020 at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT.

You can register to attend the event here: **All registrants for the live event will receive a free ebook download of Forged From the Stars.** Register now and get your free book today.

EJ, Tammy & I will chat about our inspirations, SF/F heroes, favorite wines, how many cats is too many, and anything else YOU want to know. Have a question for us? (a) once you’ve registered, you can post your questions ahead of time using the “Ask A Question” button here; (b) you can send me an email with your questions; or (c) you can catch us off-guard and try to stump us by springing your questions on us live during the hangout.

We can't wait to see you there!


Audiobook listeners: thank you so much for completed the survey in the last newsletter; your answers are a great help as I shape the future of my audiobook distribution. Speaking of, I’ve got a new blog post for you today talking about the Inversion audiobook and exactly what I plan to do to make sure you don’t have to wait so long for new audiobooks in the future. Give it a read: Audiobooks, the Changing Face of Indie Publishing &…You’re Tired of Waiting! (So Am I).

Did you enjoy getting a glimpse into Nika’s history and the birth of a rebellion in CHRYSALIS? Help more people find this wonderful Infinite Expanse anthology by dropping a quick review on Amazon, or let me know what you thought of the story!

Audiobooks, the Changing Face of Indie Publishing &…You're Tired of Waiting! (So Am I)

Audiobooks, the Changing Face of Indie Publishing &…You're Tired of Waiting! (So Am I)

Where the Heck is My Audiobook, Jennsen??

Let’s start by addressing the ‘80s-style neon pink elephant in the room: where the heck is the Inversion audiobook? What a great question.

Pyper finished recording at the beginning of August, and we are both so anxious to get it to you. And thanks to a boatload of horrible, terrible, no-good cliffhangers at the end of Continuum ;), I suspect you’re anxious to get it. Unfortunately, much like Continuum before it, it’s currently locked up somewhere in the deep, dark depths of ACX’s (the production company) internal systems. Or possibly it’s been boxed up and filed away in a giant warehouse next to the Ark of the Covenant.

To make a long, sad story short, around the first of the year a confluence of several events (Covid-19, a new audiobook get-rich-quick scheme overloading ACX’s servers, several mysterious, dark forces at work, etc.) conspired to double and even triple the amount of time it takes ACX to review, package and distribute an audiobook. Two weeks became two months or longer. The system ground to a halt. Nine months later, little about the situation has improved.

I don’t care for this state of affairs. Neither do you. Neither does Pyper. So, what are going to do about it?

The Best Sci-Fi Book of 2020 (So Far)? INVERSION’s Been Nominated

The Best Sci-Fi Book of 2020 (So Far)? INVERSION’s Been Nominated

I hope everyone is enjoying INVERSION very much! I’m excited to share the news that Inversion has been chosen as one of the Top 10 books of 2020 (so far) by Discover Sci-Fi. Can it win the #1 spot? Only if you go vote! So if you loved Inversion and are so inclined, click the link and cast a quick vote for it. You have my thanks! VOTE HERE

[UPDATE]: Everyone, INVERSION ** WON **! You all are amazing for making this happen. Thank you so very much.

In other news, Inversion paperbacks are now in stock. If you’d like a personalized, signed paperback of Inversion (or any of my books), you can get it here: Web Store.

Finally, let’s all wish the new Mars rover Perseverance and it’s little helicopter buddy, Ingenuity, the best of luck as they begin their 7-month journey to the red planet. Once there, they will join Curiosity and InSight in working to uncover Mars’ secrets and prepare the way for human exploration.



I’m thrilled to announce that INVERSION (Riven Worlds Book Two, Amaranthe #15) is now available at all major online retailers. Get it, read it and unhang all those terrible cliffhangers from Continuum. ;)

If you pre-ordered the ebook, it should be waiting for you right now on your ereader device or app. If not, today is the last day to grab it for a special release price of $2.99, so don’t dally.

You can get the paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble’s website, and it will be added to additional retailers in the coming weeks - find them all here. Audiobook listeners, you’ll be happy to learn that Pyper Down has already recorded over 30% of the audiobook, and it should be in your ears come August.

Two Weeks Until INVERSION Arrives

Two Weeks Until INVERSION Arrives

INVERSION is almost here! I can’t wait to get it in your hands. The book will be released on July 13, 2020, but you can pre-order it today at a special pre-release price of $2.99: pre-order here.

Learn more about Inversion here. More great news: Pyper Down started recording the audiobook this weekend! Look for the audiobook a little later this summer. Also, I’ve released a couple of teaser excerpts in the last few weeks. I’ve shared one below, and you can see the rest as I release them here (warning: if you’re not caught up, the teaser quotes may contain spoilers for any and all earlier books).

INVERSION Cover Reveal + Pre-Order Today

INVERSION Cover Reveal + Pre-Order Today

INVERSION, Book Two in the Riven Worlds series, will be released on JULY 13, 2020. But you can pre-order it today at all major online retailers for a special pre-order price of $2.99. The price will increase to $4.99 after release, so grab it today.

You can also add it to your Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf here.

Pre-order links

READ MORE to see the cover and blurb for INVERSION.