CosmoQuest-A-Con Recap — G. S. Jennsen

CosmoQuest-A-Con Recap

I had a fabulous time at CosmoQuest-A-Con last weekend. The sci-fi improv panel Friday evening (with Keren Landsman, Stephen Granade, Mur Lafferty and Greg Gbur) was ridiculous and hilarious - Hitchhiker's Guide has nothing on the stories we wove - and the spec-fic discussion on Sunday was a delightful celebration of being a geek in the '80s sci-fi heyday.

But, objectively, the *best* panel had to be "Imagining Humans In Space" (with Tim Chrisman, Brian Gray and Morgan Rehnberg). We had such a fascinating conversation about growing up in the space shuttle era, how we lost our way in the '90s and 2000s, and what we're doing - and still need to do - to seize the opportunity the burgeoning private space race has given us and get humanity to the stars to stay. I'm proud to have been part of this excellent discussion.

If you missed the panel but would like to check it out (it lasts an hour and change), you can watch it on Twitch here:


Originally posted on Facebook.