Two 3.5 hour drives in two days when you're the passenger is a *great* opportunity for some heavy-duty story planning....😈
#whatcomesnext #amplotting
For those keeping track, yes, this is the same notebook that was featured in the blog post, "Cross-country Journeys, Chicken Scratch & Bossy Characters." It seemed appropriate. 😁
Investigating the Worlds of Our Solar System
A conversation: Planet or dwarf planet: all worlds are worth investigating.
Originally posted on Twitter.
Galactic Center visualization
Guys, this video.
From the Chandra Observatory: “Want to take a trip to the center of our Milky Way? A new visualization using Chandra data & @NASAAmes supercomputer simulations provides viewers with an immersive, 360-degree view of the center of our Galaxy! “
YouTube link in case the embed doesn’t work for you: .
Originally posted on Twitter.
Amazon Books Excursion
A real bookstore this time, not that silly "4 star" nonsense!
...and still, I was disappointed. 😒 The store was maybe 1/3 the size of a typical B&N. While they did some cool things with their front displays ("Unputdownable: Kindle readers finish these books in 3 days or less" and so on), the overall book distribution was 2/3 nonfiction to 1/3 fiction - and nearly all the fiction was lit fic. The only genre fiction in the store were current bestsellers that either trend toward lit fic or have otherwise garnered critical attention (such as Black Leopard, Red Wolf), or recognized classics (such as Dune).
In part, it could have simply been catering to its customers, as any retail store should. Cherry Creek is an extremely upscale neighborhood, and I'd believe that its denizens would never demean themselves by being caught reading *genre* fiction. 😱
Still, disappointed. Amazon is flubbing a great market opportunity here. Readers LOVE bookstores, and we're desperate for great ones we can lose ourselves in. This isn't one.
Space Is Big. Really Big. You Just Won't Believe...
Space is very big. Some of its new explorers will be tiny. An excellent piece by Shannon Stirone on the MarCO cubesats and what their success means for future missions:
Originally posted on Twitter.
Farscape Omnibus
Check out this beauty that #MrJennsen just randomly came home with! It's not my birthday or anything.
I honestly didn't know these comics existed, or I would've picked them up earlier. For those curious, the story picks up literal minutes after the end of The Peacekeeper Wars.
The Undiscovered Country
Opportunity's final image mosaic from #Mars shows the mission's last tracks and pristine terrain waiting for visits from future explorers. See the full high-resolution panorama at
Originally posted on Twitter.
Bomb Cyclone?
Juno Perijove 15
It’s crazy - Jupiter continues to look beautiful and wondrous in new and different ways every Juno orbit! From Perijove 15, processing by Sean Doran.
Originally posted on Twitter.
Exploration Posters
From NASA: “Are you ready for your vacation on the Moon? Are you looking forward to setting up camp on Mars? Can you get excitement to use the Gateway to access #Moon2Mars? Show everyone your new favorite exploration destinations with these free downloadable posters:”
Le Sigh. I have no more wallspace, dammit! These are beautiful, though....
Splash Down
SpaceX Crew Dragon Splashes Down in Atlantic to Cap Historic Test Flight:
Originally posted on Twitter.
Long-Distance Selfie
You're in This Picture. It's a Selfie Taken by @TeamSpaceIL's Beresheet Lunar Lander on its Way to the Moon:
Originally posted on Twitter.
Command Deck
For the last year, this image, titled "Command Deck" by artist Krystian Biskup ( has far and away been my most popular pin on Pinterest (the background of the Requiem cover being the second-most popular).
Given that, I thought you all should get the chance to enjoy it, too. I imagine this is how Valkyrie sees a planet on the Siyane's approach.
Originally posted on Facebook.
A New Dawn
Stunning photo taken by Astronaut Anne McLain from the International Space Station as Crew Dragon approached for docking. Her words: “The dawn of a new era in human spaceflight.” (
Originally posted on Twitter.
The New Planet Hunters
Life probably exists beyond Earth. So how do we find it? With next-generation telescopes, tiny space probes, and more, scientists aim to search for life beyond our solar system—and make contact:
Excellent piece by National Geographic on the science and philosophy driving the next generation of planet-hunters. Courtesy of Carolyn McBride.
Originally posted on Twitter.
Snowfall & Steaks
Nothing will stand between #MrJennsen and his charbroiled steak...and it's worth every single snowflake! #yummy #steakdinner #inthesnow❄️ #cowx
Crew Dragon
LIFTOFF! The next big leap in a new chapter of U.S. human spaceflight systems has begun. @SpaceX’s #CrewDragon demo flight is the 1st commercially-built & operated American spacecraft designed for humans to dock at the @Space_Station. NASA: “Today’s successful launch marks a new chapter in American excellence, getting us closer to once again flying American astronauts on American rockets from American soil."
For this demo launch, Crew Dragon is staffed with a sensor-laden dummy named “Ripley.” The capsule will arrive at the ISS on Sunday, where it will attempt its first autonomous docking (previous non-crew Dragon capsules have been snagged and guided in by an arm on the ISS controlled by astronauts on board).
NASA Press Release:
Fractals Release
Wow. You guys show up, big time. No BookBub, no promotions, just my readers. All the squishy feelings for you! 💖
P.S.: This is Fractals, of course.🤗
Originally posted on Facebook.